About Me

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hey guys whats up my name is josh and i am a firefighter at cottageville vol fire dept station 10 cvfd i joined in 2007 it is a awsome job i would not trade it for any thing but any way i love to collect knifes and edc stuff and also i like to collect zippos and survival gear for the outdoors but any way i have been studing for my firefighter level 1 and i almost ready for my internet test for wv firefighter level 1 but any way thats all if you have any more questions just email me and noat all the stuff you see on my page is not for sell it is just to show you what i collect and buy at local stores but just wanted to get all of that out of the way and also i do not encourage violance in these weapons these weapons are only for edc and outdoor survival uses only

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Me Finding An Edible Tree Fungi Called Polyporus Brumalis

hey guys i found this edible tree fungi on one of my trees i have out back of my house and i thought i would show you guys it and i also i found it in my sas survival guide revised edition book by john wiseman but any way i don't recomend eating this because i don't know if it is safe or not but any way here is some info and some pictures Polyporus brumalis, commonly known as the winter polypore, is a species of fungi in the genus Polyporus. It is distinguished by other members ofPolyporus by its pale large stalk and large pores. Like other members of the Polyporus genus, it causes a white rot in dead hardwoods.Fruitbodies are erect, solitary or gregarious, centrally stalked. Cap round, flat to somewhat umbilicate, 2–8 cm in diameter, 2–4 mm thick, thin margin involute when dry, surface smooth, edge ciliate only when young, greyish brown to umber or blackish brown, lower surface white to cream, pores round or angular, thin-walled, 2–3 per mm, becoming larger and more elongated towards the center. The stalk is 2–6 × 0.3–0.8 cm, at first floccose and ochraceous, later becoming smooth and pale brown or grayish brown

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